Blinken OSA Archivum
Blinken OSA Archivum
Public Programs

Public History Projects

Budapest100 (since 2011)
Budapest100 is a two-day cultural festival centering around architecture. It is a celebration of communities and the city, a weekend, that brings city dwellers and neighbors closer together and draws attention to the built values around us. It was launched by the Archivum and KÉK – Contemporary Architecture Centre in 2011.
Let’s Speak the Truth about ‘56 - Competition for Teachers (2016)
In cooperation with the History Teachers’ Association of Hungary, a competition was announced for history teachers entitled “Let’s Speak the Truth about ‘56” (‘56-ról hitelesen).
Yellow-Star Houses 1944-2014 (2014)
The Archivum’s dedicated interactive website was created to commemorate June 21, 1944, when the Jews of Budapest were forced to leave their homes and move into one of the 1,944 designated residential buildings marked with a yellow Star of David.
The Real Night of Museums - The State of Public Collections (2021)
A timeline of the last decade of Hungarian libraries, archives and museums.
Petőfi Circle (2016)
On the sixtieth anniversary of the first meeting of the Petőfi Circle in 1956, the ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, the Árpád Göncz Foundation, and the Blinken OSA Archivum organised a series of debates for young people entitled "Petofi Circle 2016".
Online Regime Changing Walking Tour and Quiz
Welcome to the late 1980s, the end of the repressive Kádár regime! This time, overthrowing the regime is up to you. Walk through the important stages of the 1988-89 protests to reach the democracy you long for. New stages will open up only if you complete the quiz correctly. In the meantime, the clock is ticking and every wrong answer delays ...
Will There Be a 1989?
Text, photo, film, sound, and object photo chronicling the democratic transition in Hungary and presenting multiple perspectives on 1989.
The Trial (2008)
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the trial by People's Jury of Imre Nagy and his fellow defendants, OSA Archivum, jointly with the 1956 Institute, organized an unusual, one-week-long event.
Encode the Past! 1956 Remixed - Student Competition (2016)
As part of the series of projects, “The Revolution is Not the Past!” a student competition was launched jointly with Prezi.
#fearlesspoems (2022)
Freedom, courage, taking a stance—recitation has always been an important means of expression. A poem recited with passion can evoke emotion, change minds, inspire action—as we have seen so many times throughout history. But what would a world be like where the fear of power paralyzed the performing arts? This question is at the heart of the ...
'89 Bringing it Home - Education Tools for Teachers (2020)
It is important to talk about our past and it is always good to play. We created and made available non-traditional teaching aids that help to bring the history, stakes and interpretations of the regime change closer, more tangible and thus understandable in a new way - even in digital education.
The House for the Freedom of Speech (2008)
In 2008, the Archivum initiated a public campaign to turn Táncsics's prison in the Castle Disctrict, a symbolic center of the struggle for the freedom of expression, into a museum, a memorial, and a public center devoted to information rights.
Raoul Wallenberg's Office in Second Life (2007)
On May 30, 2007, OSA Archivum and the Swedish Institute opened Raoul Wallenberg's Office at the Embassy of Sweden in Second Life.
Chachipe (since 2007)
Chachipe is an international online photography competition organized by the Roma Initiative Office of the Open Society Institute and the Archivum under the aegis of the Decade of Roma Inclusion (2005-2015).
Antigone Project (2021/22)
The fearless speech, a joint project of Blinken OSA and the professors and students of the Freeszfe Association, which was launched in the first semester of the 2021/2022 academic year, recently announced a call for proposals for Freeszfe members to create theater performances in the framework of the project.
Europeana 1989 (2012-2014)
The Archivum was member of the 48-partner consortium to work on the Europeana 1989 project, which is a Best Practice Network of libraries, archives, and museums, as well as digital developers and innovators led by the Europeana Foundation.
European Union Culture 2000: History After the Fall - The Interdeterminacy of the Short Twentieth Century (2004-2008)
The Archivum carried out the project in cooperation with five research institutions specialized in the recent history of Central and Eastern Europe. The complex project consisted in a series of seminars, workshops, and exhibitions.