Blinken OSA Archivum
Blinken OSA Archivum

'89 Bringing it Home - Education Tools for Teachers (2020)


2019 marked the 30th anniversary of the 1989 regime change. Thirty years on, at least one generation has grown up who no longer have any personal experience of the events of the regime change or the era before it, and are therefore unable to judge the significance of historical changes, even though it is important to know and learn from our common past. It is with this aim that the Blinken OSA Archivum '89 - Bringing it Home' project was launched.

It is important to talk about our past and it is always good to play. We have combined this with our original program and its online version. In this project, we have created and made available non-traditional teaching aids that help to bring the history, stakes and interpretations of the regime change closer, more tangible and thus understandable in a new way - even in digital education. The project includes a 3D computer game, an online walking tour quiz, and two handbooks for teacher as guidance to facilitating workshops on the regime change in Hungary.

We wish you an exciting, educational and entertaining experience!