Blinken OSA Archivum
Blinken OSA Archivum

Hegedüs Judit

Kutatótermi levéltáros

Reference Services

Judit 2008 óta dolgozik az Archívumban, jelenleg audiovizuális, illetve kutatótermi levéltárosként. Az ELTE-n szerzett angol-orosz szakos diplomát, utána szabadúszó tolmács és fordító volt.

The City and the Archive. Historical Interventions in the Public Record (2022/23)

Central European University
The 5-week internship at the Archivum consisted of lectures, guided walks in Budapest, and archival workshops. The students got acquainted with a critical toolkit that allowed them to deal with historical falsifications in the public sphere, from the urban landscape to archival corpora.
Representation of Roma in Hungarian Films

Eötvös Loránd Science University
The aim of this course is to provide students with a deeper knowledge of the social situation of Roma in Hungary and to enable them to carry out a sociological analysis of films depicting social groups. During the course, students will explore sociological approaches and previous research, and then analyze different films featuring Roma characters. Students will choose a narrow theme to develop based on literature and film analysis. The course material will draw on relevant collections of the Archivum.