Blinken OSA Archivum
Blinken OSA Archivum

András Mink

Research Fellow


András Mink studied history and literature at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, where he received his MA in 1989. He worked as a journalist for the weekly Beszélő, where he was editor-in-chief between 2003 and 2007 (by this time the periodical had become a monthly publication). He studied constitutional law in the first academic year of CEU in 1992–1993. In 1994, he joined the Hungarian Helsinki Committe as program director, and started to work for Blinken OSA soon after its foundation in 1995 as an archivist and historian. He received his PhD from the CEU History Department in 2003. His publications cover the history of Communism, post-war Hungarian history, the 1956 Revolution, and the Kádár-era. He is one of the teaching fellows of the Archives’s Evidence and Human Rights course offered by Blinken OSA to CEU students.

Archives, Evidence, and Human Rights (2002-)

Central European University
This course aims at looking at the roles and uses of human rights documentation in the context of preserving recorded memory and the history of human rights.

Archival Practice (2024-)

Central European University
The Archival Practice includes supervised practice in the Archivum’s professional activities. Students spend 30 hours in Budapest to familiarize themselves with the various stages of the archival workflow and the “invisible” processes of creating archives.

Scopes and Constraints in 20th Century Hungarian History (2017-2021)

Blinken OSA Archivum
Accredited, 12-week continuing education program for high-school teachers.
From Kádár’s Megaphone to the Yugoslav Wars: Archival Sources, Media Products, and Propaganda (2022)

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)
The course provides both theoretical and practical introduction into the critical and perceptive uses of traditional and digital archival materials by news media, fact checkers and propagandists.
The Ruling Ideas of the 20th century (2020)

University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE)

20th century Hungarian history (2014)

University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE)

Archives and Evidentiary Practices Specialization (2016-2020)

Central European University
The aim of the specialization is to provide students with theoretical grounding and practical skills in working and pursuing research in a contemporary and innovative archive.


  • Beszélő-évek. A Kádár-rendszer évei, 1957-1968 [Beszélő-years. The Years of the Kádár-regime, 1957-1968] [Editor and contributor]. Beszélő, Budapest, 2000.
  • A szabadság hagyománya [The Tradition of Liberty. Conversations with György Petri about the classical Hungarian political poetry] Beszélő, 2001.
  • The Defendant: The State. The Story of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee. Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Budapest, 2005.
  • Tanúságtevők az ENSZ-ben [Witnesses of the Revolution at UN hearings.] Bp., Nagy Imre Alapítvány, 2010.
  • Rendszerváltás, 1975-1990. [Regime change, 1975-1990.] [Editor] Historical sources, chronology and notes on the political transition in Hungary. Osiris, Budapest, 2018.
  • Rajk, László: A tér tágassága. Életút-interjú. [Boundless Horizons. Biographical interview] Az interjúkat Mink András készítette. Szerkesztés, jegyzetek: Mink András, Rajk Judit Magvető, Budapest, 2019
  • Kis, János: Szabadságra ítélve. Életút-interjú [Condemned to Liberty. Biographical interview]. Az interjúkat Mink András és Meszerics Tamás készítette. Szerkesztés, jegyzetek: Kis János, Mink András. Kalligram, Budapest, 2021

Selected Essays
