Petőfi-mirages #1: Petőfi’s Political Memory from Dualism to the Present Day
Published: 22/03/2023

András Mink
PETŐFI-MIRAGES. Program series at the Blinken OSA Archivumban, March 22, 2023.
Petőfi politikai emlékezete a dualizmustól napjainkig. Beszélgetés és felolvasás.
Would Petőfi have said hurrah to Franz Joseph after the Reunification, as Mór Jókai imagined? Was he a socialist or a nationalist and Christian? Was Petőfi a Communist? The discussion, interspersed with readings, traces how successive political courses tried to mold Petőfi in their own image.
- István Margócsy, literary historian
- Péter Csunderlik, historian
Moderated by: András Mink
Gergely Váradi and Janka Veszelovszki will read the selected excerpts
The language of the podcast is Hungarian.