Archival Summer School for Ukraine 2024
On June 17-21, 2024, the Blinken OSA Archivum co-organized with the Galt Museum & Archives from Canada and hosted in the Goldberger House the second edition of the Archival Summer School for Ukraine. The sponsor of the weeklong course was AM Digital Limited, a publisher of digital primary sources based in the United Kingdom.
In the context of the full-scale Russian invasion, institutions of social memory in Ukraine stepped up their efforts to protect the country’s cultural heritage from destruction and looting. In line with these activities, the school targeted emerging archival professionals selected in open competition in collaboration with the State Archival Service of Ukraine. The seven successful applicants represented distinct types of central and regional archives and museums, including one in an active war zone.
This year’s program was centered on reference services and outreach, European and international integration and networking, and digital content management. Instructors included professional staff from the Archivum, archivists from the University of Alberta, and digital publication experts from the UK. Participants attended practical exercises and workshops, presentations on archiving during armed conflict, and group discussions, where they could exchange their own experiences and ideas about current trends in archival theory and practice. Besides familiarizing themselves with the contemporary archival environment and manifold collections of the Archivum, the group also visited the largest English language social science library in the region on the campus of the Central European University.