Tradition, Economic Efficiency and Cosmic Achievement: Gagarin in Hungary

Sixty years ago, on April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin completed one orbit of Earth, and accomplished the first manned spaceflight in history. The event was a milestone in the Space Race, a Cold War front line between the US and the Soviet Union. A Radio Free Europe Background Report from December, 1961, preserved at the Blinken OSA, reveals the American stand on the developments of that year.
“The Soviet version of US and USSR performance in the space race is intended to strengthen and make more concrete the notion already widespread in underdeveloped countries that Soviet society is more purposeful, forceful, and highly motivated than American society, that the USSR is better able to marshal and allocate its resources effectively for the quick solution of very large problems. Soviet space propaganda aimed at Asian and African audiences has emphasized that Soviet space successes represent a victory of the Soviet system over Western capitalism and are further proof of the superiority of the Soviet system as a model for the newly independent countries.”
This impression is underpinned by the afterlife of the 1961 Soviet achievement. Following his succesfull spaceflight, Gagarin embarked on a Soviet-world tour; the Bulgarian, Czechoslovak, Pole, and Hungarian units of RFE each reported on festival-like propaganda events. The Soviet hero-astronaut arrived to Hungary on August 19, 1961, and visited several cities beyond the capitol. The analysts at RFE made it clear: the timing of the visit was carefully timed and smart:

(HU OSA 300-8-47 RFE/RL Situation Reports, RFE/RL, Inc.)
The way the above was realized in practice, i.e. how propaganda shaped Gagarin's Hungarian visit is captured in the Hungarian Radio transcripts prepared at the RFE Research Institute, and preserved at the Blinken OSA.