Records Management
Judit Izinger has been working in Blinken OSA’s Records Management team since 2006. She graduated from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary and from the University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA. She holds MA degrees in German Language and Literature and Cultural Management, as well as an MLIS degree in Library and Information Sciences from the School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh. She has worked as a language teacher at several universities in the US, and as a librarian in university libraries and nonprofit organizations in Pittsburgh, in Augsburg, Germany, and at the Swiss Center for Further Education in Budapest. As part of her professional development, she took a certified course in records management at the University of Toronto, Canada; she also received a records and information management certificate and a certificate in Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles (GARP), both at ARMA International, a US-based association for information professionals. In the first decade working at Blinken OSA, she was responsible for the archival and records management procedures of the Open Society Foundations (OSF) network, an international nonprofit organization active in numerous countries. Since then, her responsibilities have shifted toward the preservation of OSF’s historical records as well as overseeing the archival and records management procedures of the Central European University on both campuses, in Budapest and Vienna.