István Rév is Professor of History and Political Science at the Central European University Budapest, and the Director of Blinken OSA. He was a founding member in 1984 of the Danube Circle environmental organization, and is a past winner of the Right for Livelihood Award (the alternative Nobel Prize) of the Swedish Parliament. He has been a fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and a research fellow at the Getty Center in Los Angeles and at the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. In 1995, he was the recipient of the New Europe Prize. He is a member of the Open Society Foundations’ Global Board. His scholarly interests include historical amnesia, memory, historical anthropology, and documentary traces of the past. His many publications include Retroactive Justice: Prehistory of Post-Communism (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2005).

Central European University
A 5-week intensive program at the Blinken OSA Archivum, focusing on public history, archives, and creative projects.
Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)
The course provides both theoretical and practical introduction into the critical and perceptive uses of traditional and digital archival materials by news media, fact checkers and propagandists.
Central European University
The 5-week internship at the Archivum consisted of lectures, guided walks in Budapest, and archival workshops. The students got acquainted with a critical toolkit that allowed them to deal with historical falsifications in the public sphere, from the urban landscape to archival corpora.
Central European University
Lectures and hands-on archival research work help future public historians to further understand the logic and epistemic assumptions of Cold War data collections and to translate issues having a Central and Eastern European relevance to larger global frameworks.
Central European University
The course provided a methodological toolkit based on theoretical considerations, for how to deal with different sources and approaches in a time when even entertainment industries seem to competitively engage in investigations about contested issues of the past.
Central European University
Central European University
The course provided an overview of major issues and approaches in historiography from classical antiquity to present times. Methodologically, the thematic module focused on the truth - seeking desiderata of historical inquiries and its related (but distinct) searches and techniques of “the objective”.
Central European University
The course explored, based on unique, up-till-now barely used archival sources, how the social sciences contributed to the emergence of the fantasy of past, present and future that guided both the programs of the sciences and perceptions of the world.
Central European University
- Rév, István. “Maya Nadkarni, Remains of Socialism: Memory and the Futures of the Past in Postsocialist Hungary.” Austrian History Yearbook 53, (May 2022): 274–275,
- Rév, István. "The Virtue of Not Inventing Anything" in Piotr H. Kosicki, Kytill Kunakhovich (eds.), The Long 1989: Decades of Global Revolution. CEU Press, 2019.
- Rév, István: "A kukacok szerepe a múlt rétegeinek föltárásában. Carlo Ginzburg: Nyomok, bizonyítékok, mikrotörténelem." In Budapesti Könyvszemle, 3 (2011): 215-225.
- Rév, István. "The Man in the White Raincoat: Betrayal and the Historian's Task." In Traitors: Suspicion, Intimacy, and the Ethics of State-Building, edited by Sharika Thiranagama and Tobias Kelly. Philadelphia, PA:, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010.
- Rév, István. "Ethics and the Limit of History Writing." In Memory, Humanity, and Meaning. Essays in Honor of Andrei Pleşu's Sixtieth Anniversary, edited by Mihail Neamtu and Bogdan Tataru-Cazaban. Bucharest: Zeta Books, 2009. 475-494.
- Rév, István. "The Man in the White Raincoat." In Past for the Eyes. East European Representations of Communism in Cinema and Museums after 1989 , edited by Oksana Sarkisova and Péter Apor. Budapest-New York: Central European University Press, 2008. 3-56.
- Rév, István et. al. Emerging Trends in Socio-Economic Sciences and Humanities in Europe. The Metris Report. A report by an expert group set up by the European Commission . Brussels: The European Commission, 2009. PDF
- Rév, István. "Remembering the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact." In Europe 70 Years After the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact . Conference in the European Parliament, Brussels, October 14, 2009. Vilnius: Magri Rastai, 2009.
- Rév, István. "The Terror of the House" In (Re)visualizing National History. Museums and National Identities in Europe in the new Millennium , edited by Robin Ostow. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008. 47-89.
- Rév, István. "Konkrétum." Élet és irodalom , May 30, 2008.
- Rév, István. "Mivégre az archívum?" Élet és irodalom , June 13, 2008. HTML
- Rév, István. Giustizia retroattiva: Preistoria del postcomunismo . Milano: Feltrinelli, 2007.
- Rév, István. "Instant Access to Open Archives" In A folyóirat-kultúra az elektronikus kor szemszögéből [The Culture of Journals in the Electronic Age], edited by Anna Gács. Budapest: L'Harmattan, 2007.
- Rév, István. "Ein Monument des Faschismus." Aufbau. Der jüdische Monatsmagazin 71 (July-August 2006): 14-21.
- Rév, István. "In Mendacio Veritas - In Lies There Lies the Truth" In After History , edited by Martin Prochazka. Prague: Litteraria Pragensia, 2006.
- Rév, István. Retroactive Justice: Prehistory of Post-Communism (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2005).
- Rév, István. “Auschwitz 1945-1989 (rekonstrukció).” Élet és irodalom , 7 May 2004.
- Rév, István. “Just Noise.” Lecture given at “The Impact of Cold War Broadcasting” conference, Hoover University at Stanford, October 2004, held in conjunction with the exhibition “Voices of Hope: The Story of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.” PDF
- Rév, István: "Contrarevoluția" [Counterrevolution] in: Istoria recentă în Europa : obiecte de studiu, surse, metode : lucrările simposionului internațional organizat de Colegiul Noua Europă, București, 7-8 aprilie, 2000. București : New Europe College, c2002. pp. 102-140.
- Rév, István. “The Suggestion.” Representations 80 (2002): 62–98. PDF