I joined the Archives in 2012. I am interested in the study of knowledge formation through the perspective of archival and media theories, the history of science, philosophy of history, and history of intellectuals. To date, I have been teaching courses and seminars on theoretical and methodological issues related to historiography both generally and also applied to the history of the Cold War. I also curated an exhibition about academic libraries (Bibliotheca: the Future of the Library), organized archival seminars and movie screenings.
I am an interdisciplinary scholar trained in philology, comparative literature, and history. My scholarly trajectory is perhaps typical of a literary historian in search of interpretive paradigms beyond the formal and context-free approaches within regional literary studies. In my dissertation about the literary field in Romania under Communism, I made a case for understanding political and literary choices as a matter of professional ethos, transnational interactions, and position-taking within a set of possible discursive frames. Currently, I am broadening these insights in order to write a book on the interplay of perceptions about the Other through the perspective of mutually observing cognitive systems during the Cold War (Radio Free Europe, secret police, intellectuals within the literary field, and listeners to the radio).
At the Archivum, I aim to embed my research interests in the Cold War and knowledge systems within the Archives’s ongoing archival activities, and to participate in the development of an Archival Laboratory. I see research, curatorial activity, and teaching as complementary parts within an ongoing project (both personal and institutional) of mapping history through the cognitive lenses of the archives. I am actively involved in archival projects while reflecting on their very epistemic assumptions. I do research and teach about genealogies of information-gathering practices from the early 1950s up to the current digital age. My interest in the relationship between forms, methods and content of knowledge make me also draw on perspectives from artistic research and art history. I integrate film screenings and exhibitions with the design of seminars as both objects of cultural history and heuristic tools in thinking about methodologies and various historical perspectives. In doing so, my research on cultural fields and my current focus on knowledge theories come together once again.
Since 2020, I am the academic coordinator of the Visegrad fellowship program.
I designed and directed the CEU Summer University Program Confronting the Crisis of Expertise. Historical Roots and Current Challenges (2021), and the summer school Cybernetic Models in Economy – an Eastern European Perspective (2019, with Tincuta Heinzel). I also designed the Archivum's research program Methodologies of Working in Cold War Archives and designed and co-directed with Istvan Rev the Archivum's archival internship for the History in the Public Sphere MA (2022, 2023 editions).
Fellowships and Awards:
- 2011–2012 EURIAS Fellowship, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin
- 2011 Center for Advanced Studies Fellowship, Sofia, Bulgaria
- 2010 Fellowship at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C.
- 2009–2010 New Europe College Fellowship, Bucharest
- 2008–2009 Central European University Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
- PhD in Comparative Literature Department, Université d’Artois (France),
- Babeş-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca)
- MA in History, Central European University, Budapest
- MA in Comparative Literature, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

Central European University
A 5-week intensive program at the Blinken OSA Archivum, focusing on public history, archives, and creative projects.
Central European University
This course investigated the genealogies of the archives’ powers from their inception as state building projects to their metamorphosis into counter-sites of opposing authoritarian power and politics.
Central European University
The 5-week internship at the Archivum consisted of lectures, guided walks in Budapest, and archival workshops. The students got acquainted with a critical toolkit that allowed them to deal with historical falsifications in the public sphere, from the urban landscape to archival corpora.
Central European University
The course analyzed through certain key case studies ranging from 19th century archives to secret police, counterinsurgency, colonial and identity archives, the changing interaction between influential documentary practices, (counter-)state politics and history writing.
Central European University
Lectures and hands-on archival research work help future public historians to further understand the logic and epistemic assumptions of Cold War data collections and to translate issues having a Central and Eastern European relevance to larger global frameworks.
Central European University
The seminar provided a methodological toolkit based on theoretical considerations for how to deal with different sources, accounts and discourses within ongoing events with imperceptible hazards.
Summer School CEU SUN/ OSUN
Summer school of the CEU SUN/ OSUN. This course enhanced participants’ skills in analyzing the incorporation of techno and scientific knowledge into public governance and discourses.
Central European University
The course provided a methodological toolkit based on theoretical considerations, for how to deal with different sources and approaches in a time when even entertainment industries seem to competitively engage in investigations about contested issues of the past.
Central European University
The course provided an overview of major issues and approaches in historiography from classical antiquity to present times. Methodologically, the thematic module focused on the truth - seeking desiderata of historical inquiries and its related (but distinct) searches and techniques of “the objective”.
Central European University
Central European University
The course, combined with a guest lecture series, offered an introduction into the relationship of different alternative (sub)cultural movements and state power in East-Central Europe from the 1960s to the post-communist transition.
Central European University
Central European University
The course explored, based on unique, up-till-now barely used archival sources, how the social sciences contributed to the emergence of the fantasy of past, present and future that guided both the programs of the sciences and perceptions of the world.
Central European University
“Systemic Failures” Summer School (Oradea), within the project Attempts, Trials and Errors
ORCID ID: 0009-0006-4959-0592
- Macrea-Toma, Ioana. “More than ‘Soul Catchers’: Understanding Eastern Europe through Audience and Opinion Surveys at Radio Free Europe during the Cold War.” Journal of Cold War Studies 26, no. 3 (2024): 85-121.
- Macrea-Toma, Ioana. "Metapolitics: Recommitting Literature in the Populist Aftermath" in Theory in the "Post" Era: A vocabulary for the 21st-Century Conceptual Commons, edited by Christian Moraru, Andrei Terian, Alexandru Matei. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021.
- Macrea-Toma, Ioana. "The Eyes of Radio Free Europe: Regimes of Visibility in the Cold War Archives."East Central Europe, Vol. 44 (2017) 1: pp. 99-127
- Macrea-Toma, Ioana, "The Archive as Blueprint. Information in Mass Dictatorships" in Jie-Hyun Lim, Paul Corner (eds.), Handbook of Mass Dictatorship. London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, pp. 141-155.
- Macrea-Toma, Ioana, "Între politică și morală. Percepția drepturilor omului la Radio Europa Liberă prin cazul Paul Goma" [Between Politics and Morals. The Perception of Human Rights at Radio Free Europe through the case of Paul Goma], in Liliana Corobca (ed.), Paul Goma. Exilul Etern [Paul Goma. The Eternal Exile], Oradea : Ratio and Revelatio, 2016, pp. 35-52.
- Macrea-Toma, Ioana, "The Intricacies of a (Cold) War of Ideas. Radio Free Europe from Above and from Below," in Anna Bischof & Zuzana Jürgens (eds.), Voices of Freedom - Western Interference? 60 years of Radio Free Europe, Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2015, pp. 109-146.
- Macrea-Toma, Ioana, Privilighentia. Instituţii literare în comunismul românesc [Privilighentsia. Literary Institutions under Communism in Romania], Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2010.