Verzio Filmfestival
Fanni works for Verzió International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival. After volunteering in 2016 and 2017, and working briefly with the festival in 2018, she joined the team in 2019. She is primarily involved in editing the brochure, the catalog, the website, and the blog of Verzió. She contributes to writing grants, keeping in contact with university partners, and coordinates the submission process. Before joining Verzió, she spent a year in Slovenia at an NGO, and worked for the RomArchive project at the Romedia Foundation. She studied Liberal Arts with a specialization in film at the University of Pécs, Art Therapy at the John Wesley College, Intercultural Psychology and Education at the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) in Budapest, and holds a master’s degree in Film Studies from ELTE. In her free time, she likes to discover (old and new) films to watch, study languages, and spends too much time in bookshops.