Chief Archivist
With the Archivum since 1996, Csaba manages the professional archival activities and is responsible for the human rights collections and pertinent education and public programs. He is one of the teaching fellows of the Archives, Evidence and Human Rights course and Archives and Evidentiary Practices Specialization at CEU. Intermittently, he worked as an archival consultant for the Open Society Institute and Human Rights Watch (1999–2000) and was the first curator of the Center for Human Rights Documentation and Research at Columbia University (2005–2006) in New York. He also served as a pro bono archival consultant for the Srebrenica Memorial Center and assisted in designing and establishing a research archive there (2019-2022).
He is interested in how technological advancement informs the collection, archiving, and dissemination of human rights records; the representation and memorialization of mass atrocities in the archival space; and the role of documentation in the global refugee experience. As a researcher, he focuses, from a human rights and social in/justice perspective, on the roles, responsibilities, and limitations of archives in managing the heritage of, creating knowledge on, and transforming memory politics relating to mass atrocities of the recent wars in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Csaba studied Hungarian literature and holds an MA in American Studies (Lajos Kossuth University, Debrecen), and is currently pursuing a PhD at the Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory and Material Culture at the University of Amsterdam. Outside the archival world, Csaba translates fiction and historical and political writings.

Central European University
This course aims at looking at the roles and uses of human rights documentation in the context of preserving recorded memory and the history of human rights.
Central European University
This seminar provides an overview of existing methods in legal and social sciences, including comparative legal analysis, quantitative methods, interviewing techniques, discourse analysis, and the archival method.
Central European University
The Archival Practice includes supervised practice in the Archivum’s professional activities. Students spend 30 hours in Budapest to familiarize themselves with the various stages of the archival workflow and the “invisible” processes of creating archives.
Central European University
The aim of the specialization is to provide students with theoretical grounding and practical skills in working and pursuing research in a contemporary and innovative archive.
- Szilágyi, Csaba and Jovchevski, Perica. “Critical Re-Archiving for Social Justice and Inclusive Memories of the Yugoslav Wars” in Conflicting Remembrance. The Memory of the Macedonian 2001 in Context, edited by Naum Trajanovski and Lidija Georgieva. Skopje: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2023. pp. 148-167.
- Szilágyi, Csaba. "Records of Forced Displacement and Refugee Narratives: A Case Study from the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives in Budapest" in Sylvia Asmus, Doerte Bischoff, Burcu Dogramaci (eds.), Archive und Museen des Exils. Berlin, Boston : De Gruyter, 2019. pp. 149-162.
- Szilágyi, Csaba, "Re-archiving mass atrocity records by involving affected communities in postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina" in Sandra Ristovska, Monroe Price (eds.), Visual imagery and human rights practice. Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 131-152.
- Szilágyi, Csaba. "Representation of Mass Atrocities in Imagined 'Commemorative Arenas'." In Versus. Thematic issue Traces of Terror, Signs of Trauma (June-December 2014) 119: 71-91.
• Activating Archives Against Revisionism, Denialism and Propaganda / Article, Magazine of the European Observatory on Memories, 19.12.2024
• Blinken OSA Archivum / Radio interview, Tilos Rádió, 20.06.2024.
• Unsettled: Redefining Archival Power: Children’s Letters to America from Besieged Sarajevo / Interview, In the Field: The ACA (Association of Canadian Archivists) Blog, 02.06.2022.
• Tagadás és emlékezés / Interview, 168 óra, 29.07.2021.
• „A meggyilkoltak legalább ide visszatérnek” / Interview, Magyar Narancs, 14.07.2021.
• Levéltár nyílt a srebrenicai népirtás bizonyítékaiból / Interview, Szabad Európa, 11.07.2021.
• Levéltár Srebrenicában: fegyver a tagadás elleni harcban / Interview, Népszava, 10.07.2021.
• Srebrenicai kiállítás / Radio interview, Klubrádió, 09.07.2021.
• Otvoren Arhiv u Memorijalnom centru Srebrenica-Potočari / Interview, Radiotelevizija Bosne i Hercegovine (BHRT), 09.07.2021.
• Mi van a Blinken OSA Archívum mélyén? / Radio interview, Klubrádió, 20.01.2021.
• Pisma djece iz opkoljenog Sarajeva - “Mrzim rat i smrt” / Interview, Voice of America (VOA) BiH, 01.07.2019.
• ‘I Hate War’: Children’s Letters to America from Besieged Sarajevo / Interview, Balkan Insight, 01.07.2019.
• A CEU-viharban veszélybe került egy különleges archívum is / Interview,, 17.04.2017.
• Szögesdrót? Gorenje? Ön mit őrzött meg 89-ből? / Interview, Index, 04.09.2014.
• Felszab / Blogpost series, 20.07-19.12.2014.
• Interjú Szilágyi Csabával az Europeana 1989 magyarországi projektvezetőjével / Interview, Klubrádió, 23.05.2014.
• A rendszerváltás személyes emlékeit gyűjtik Szegeden is / Interview, Szeged Ma, 19.05.2014.
• From the Curator / Interview, Funzine, 07.2010.
• Srebrenica: A Forensic Reconstruction Now on Exhibit at Open Society Archive / Blogpost, WITNESS Blog, 06.2010.
• Budapest exhibition examines Srebrenica massacre / Interview, Reuters, 25.06.2010.
• „Előbb a saját szívünkben” / Interview, Magyar Narancs, 17.04.2008.
• With New Acquisitions, Library to Open Human Rights Documentation Center / Interview, Columbia Magazine, Summer 2006.