Archival Programs
Balázs is an archivist, librarian, and drama historian. His research field is the Sovietization of theaters in Hungary after 1945. After many years spent working in libraries, he joined the Archives in 2019. His tasks include the processing of samizdat materials, developing web-based collections, and working on special projects that aid the Archives’s existence in the digital world. In his free time, he plays the saxophone and spends time with his family.

Leposa, Balázs. „Kollektív alkotás” in Theatron, Vol. 17 (2023) No. 1, pp. 171-174.
Leposa, Balázs. “Smelter Workers in Bourgeois Overcoats” in Theatron, Vol. 17. (2003) No. 4, pp. 31–39.